I have added a new star ratings widget from Outbrain that allows you to rate blog posts and provide instant feedback.
This widget is available to bloggers on Blogger, WordPress or TypePad.
I am very impressed by the widget. It's light, requires no registration and very intuitive, automatically blending in to the current blog design. I also like the fact that outbrain does not put its logo and marketing stuff on the widget.
Blog visitors can hover the mouse over the five stars at the bottom of each post and click any of them to rate the current blog post.Outbrain even offers a widget that can be installed in the FeedFlare of FeedBurner.
With the hectic pace today, many users are too rushed, to type in extensive comments. This star rating system enables bloggers like me to get quick feedback from you readers which indicates your reaction to the blog post.
For my readers, I hope you find the ratings system to your liking and use it.
For my fellow bloggers you can get the outbrain Ratings Widget here.
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